Alomerry Wu @

协程 goroutine

Jul 18, 2023 · 75min · 13.4k ·


func funA() {

func main() {
  go funA()

代码被构建成可执行文件后有执行入口,根据平台不同有 _rt0_amd64_linux[1]_rt0_amd64_windows 等,该函数会执行一条汇编指令,调用 runtime.rt0_go 函数:

runtime.rt0_go[2] 包含了 Go 程序启动的大致流程:

  • 调用 runtime·args 暂存命令行参数用于后续解析
  • 调用 runtime.osinit 初始化系统核心数、物理页面大小等
  • 调用 runtime·schedinit[3] 初始化调度系统
  • 调用 runtime·newproc 创建主协程
  • 调用 runtime·mstart,当前线程进入调度循环


newproc[4] 旨在创建一个新的 g 并放入等待执行队列

  • 在 g0 栈上生成 g
  • 调用 runqput 将 g 放到 p 的 runnext(当 currentG 执行完就会执行 runnext) 上
    • p 的本地队列未满时,将 g 放入协程 p 的本地队列
  • main 已经执行,则唤醒该 g

newproc1[5] 旨在创建一个状态是 _Grunable 的 g

  • 锁住 g 对应的 m,禁止 m 被抢占,因为在后续逻辑中可能会将 p 保存到局部变量中
  • 调用 gfget 获取空闲 g,如果未获取到则调用 malg[6] 创建一个 g,分配栈空间,并添加到 allgs 中,调用 casgstatus g 状态从 _Gidle 转为 _Gdead TODO,并添加到[7] allg
  • 如果协程入口有参数如何处理 TODO
  • 计算栈指针,并将程序及乎其设置为 goexit 函数地址入口加上 1 指令大小[8],然后调用 gostartcallfn,最终会调用 gostartcall[9],在该函数中,将栈指针下移一位后并写入 pc 的值,这意味着在入栈了一个新的栈帧,原 pc 成为了返回地址,且新的 pc 被设置成协程函数入口。因此协程函数最终执行完后会返回到 goexit 并回收参数等资源,就仿佛是从 goexit 中调用了协程函数却没有执行一样
  • casgstatus 更新 g 的状态为 _Grunnable
  • gcController.addScannableStack(pp, int64(newg.stack.hi-newg.stack.lo)) TODO
  • 释放 m 的锁

gfget[10] 旨在获取一个空闲的 g

  • 尝试获取关联 p 上空闲 g 队列 gFree
  • 如果 p 上不存在空闲的 g 并且调度器全局 gFree 非空,则会将全局 gFree 中的空闲 g 弹出并设置到 p 上,直到 p 上的空闲 gFree 个数超过 32 个或者是全局空闲 gFree 已耗尽
  • 清理该 g 已有的栈空间


runqput[11] 旨在将 g 放到 p 的 runq 队列

  • 当 next 为 true 会将 g 放到 runnext 上。如果 p 的 runnext 原本非空,则需要将该 g 从 runnext 放入 runq 尾部
  • 当 next 为 false,会尝试将 g 放入 runq 的尾部
  • 当 runq 未满时就放入 runq 中,否则调用 runqputslow 放入全局 runq

runqputslow[12] 旨在将一个本地队列已满的 p 中的一半 g 和待添加 g 放入全局队列

  • 验证 p 的本地队列已满
  • 原子的获取 p 前一半本地队列的 g,获取失败可能是有 g 被消费了,直接返回 false 再次尝试放入 p 的本地队列
  • 获取成功后将 g 依次链接并组成 gQueue 后调用 globrunqputbatch[13] 放入全局队列

启动 m

	CALL	runtime·mstart0(SB)
	RET // not reached

mstart 会调用 mstart0[14],最终会调用 mstart1[15]mstart1 初始化 m0,最后执行 schedule

调度 schedule

schedule[16] 每执行一次,就表示发生了一次调度

  • 执行一些检测[17],例如:当前 m 是否持有锁(newproc)、m 是否被 g 绑定(TODO
  • 进入一个循环中[18],直到获取可执行的 g 并执行
    • 首先获取当前 m 的 p 并设置 p.preempt 为 false 禁止 p 被抢占(因为已经被调度到了,无需再抢占了)
    • 安全检查如果 m 处于自旋状态,p 不应有任何任何待执行的 g
    • 调用 findRunnable 获取一个可执行的 g 找到待执行的 g
      • inheritTime(表示从 p.runnext 中窃取,则可以继承时间片,未继承时间片时说明执行了一次 schedule,则 p.schedtick 会增加)
      • tryWakeP 表示找到的是特殊的 g(GC worker、tracereader 为什么特殊)TODO
    • 获取到可执行 g 后原本自旋的 m 可以停止自旋 resetspinning
    • sched.disable.user && !schedEnabled(gp) 找到 g 后调度器检测是否允许调度用户协程,如果不允许则将该 g 放入调度器的 disable 队列暂存,并重新寻找可执行的 g,等到允许调度用户协程后,将 disable 队列中的 g 重新加入 runq 中
    • tryWakeP 为 true 就会调用 wakeup[19] 唤醒 p 以保证有足够线程来调度 TraceReader 和 GC Worker TODO
    • startlockedm ((如果 g 有绑定 m 则调用 startlockedm[20] 唤醒对应绑定的 m 执行 g 且当前线程也要重新查找待执行的 g;如果 g 没有绑定的 m 则调用 execute[21] 执行 TODO
    • 调用 execute 执行 g


Finds a runnable goroutine to execute.

Tries to steal from other P’s, get g from local or global queue, poll network.

tryWakeP indicates that the returned goroutine is not normal (GC worker, trace reader) so the caller should try to wake a P.

findRunnable[22] 旨在会本地队列、全局队列、其他 p 的本地队列寻找一个可执行的 g,会阻塞到找到为止

  • 检测 sched.gcwaiting,如果执行 gc 则调用 gcstopm[23] 休眠当前 m
  • 执行安全点检查 runSafePointFn[24]
  • checkTimers[25] 会运行当前 p 上所有已经达到触发时间的计时器

    now and pollUntil are saved for work stealing later, which may steal timers. It’s important that between now and then, nothing blocks, so these numbers remain mostly relevant.

  • gcBlackenEnabled traceReader 这两种是非正常协程 TODO
  • 为了公平[26],每调用 schedule 函数 61 次就要调用 globrunqget 从全局可运行 G 队列中获取 1 个,保证效率的基础上兼顾公平性,防止本地队列上的两个持续唤醒的 goroutine 造成全局队列一直得不到调度
  • 从本地队列获取 g runqget[27]
  • 从全局 runq 中获取 g globrunqget
  • 执行 netpull 从网络 I/O 轮询器获取 glist,若返回值非空则将第一个 g 从列表中弹出,将剩余的尝试按本地 runq、全局 runq 的顺序插入 TODO
  • 判断 p 是否可以窃取其他 p 的 runq,需要满足两个条件[28]:当前 m 处于自旋等待或者出于自旋的 m 要小于处于工作中 p 的一半。这样是为了防止程序中 p 很大,但是并发性很低时,CPU 不必要的消耗
  • 满足窃取 g 条件时[29],将 m 标记为自旋并调用 stealWork 窃取 g
  • // gcBlackenEnabled != 0 && gcMarkWorkAvailable(pp) && gcController.addIdleMarkWorker()
  • 至此 findRunnable 主要工作做完,会做一些额外工作[30]
    • 再次检测 gc 是否在等待执行,是则跳至 top 进行新的一轮 findRunnable,在新轮次的开始执行 gc
    • 再次从全局 runq 中获取 g


globrunqget[31] 旨在从全局 runq 队列中获取最多 max 个待执行的 g

  • 首先调用 assertLockHeld[32] 保证调用者已经锁住调度器
  • 计算得出最多能获取的 g 数量 n,g 的数量不能超过:max(非 0)、p 的 runq 一半
  • 将首个可执行的 g 作为返回值,剩余的 n-1 个 g 放入 p 的 runq 中


stealWork[33] 旨在从 timer 和其他 p 的 runq 中偷取 g

  • 尝试窃取四次,前三次会从其他 p 的 runq 中窃取,最后一次会查找其他 p 的 timer[25:1]
    • 窃取 p 的 runq 时使用 randomOrder[^stealOrder] 结构尝试随机窃取某个 p,找到 p 后判断 p 是否空闲[34],如果非空闲,则调用 runqsteal[35] 窃取[36],窃取成功则返回该 g
    • 窃取 timer TODO


execute[21:1] 会关联 m 和 g,将 g 设置成 _Grunning,并通过 gogo 函数将 g.sched 中的上下文恢复,最终调用 runtime·gogo[37] 恢复协程的上下文


  • goexit[38]newproc1 初始化 g 的上下文现场时会插入 goexit1 地址加一个指令,可以看到汇编函数中在 call 指令之前插入了 NOP 指令,并调用 goexit1[39],最终调用 goexit0goexit0[40] 会将 g 状态置为 _Gdead、清空属性、调用 dropg 将 g 与 m 解绑,调用 gfput[41] 将 g 放入空闲队列,调用 schedule 执行调度


  • stacksplit 编译期在函数调用前插入栈增长代码调用 runtime.morestarck
  • 运行时会在 gc、系统监控检测发现 goroutine 执行时间超过 10ms 时发出抢占请求,将 g.stackguard0 设置成 stackPreempt
  • 协程发生函数调用时执行编译期插入的 runtime.morestack,它会调用 runtime.newstack 检测 g.stackguard0,如果是 stackPreempt 则会触发抢占,调用 gogo[37:1]
func fibonacci(n int) {
  if n < 2 {
    return 1
  return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
func fibonacci(n int) {
  gp := getg()
  if SP <= gp.stackguard0 {
    goto morestack
  return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
  go entry
const (
	uintptrMask = 1<<(8*goarch.PtrSize) - 1

	// The values below can be stored to g.stackguard0 to force
	// the next stack check to fail.
	// These are all larger than any real SP.

	// Goroutine preemption request.
	// 0xfffffade in hex.
	stackPreempt = uintptrMask & -1314

	// Thread is forking. Causes a split stack check failure.
	// 0xfffffb2e in hex.
	stackFork = uintptrMask & -1234

	// Force a stack movement. Used for debugging.
	// 0xfffffeed in hex.
	stackForceMove = uintptrMask & -275

	// stackPoisonMin is the lowest allowed stack poison value.
	stackPoisonMin = uintptrMask & -4096
  • stopTheWorldWithSema
    • gcStart
    • gcMarkDone
    • stopTheWorld


  • 程序启动时在 runtime.sighandler 中注册 SIGURG 信号处理函数 runtime.doSigPreempt
  • 触发 gc 的栈扫描时,调用 runtime.suspendG 挂起 goroutine,同时将 _Grunning 状态的 goroutine 标记成可抢占,将 preemptStop 设置成 true,调用 runtime.preemptM 触发抢占
  • runtime.preemptM 会调用 runtime.signalM 向线程发送信号 SIGURG
  • 操作系统会中断正在运行的线程,并执行预先注册的信号处理函数 runtime.doSigPreempt 处理抢占信号,获取当前 SP 和 PC 寄存器并调用 runtime.sigctxt.pushCall
  • runtime.sigctxt.pushCall 会修改寄存器,并在程序回到用户态时执行 runtime.asyncPreempt,汇编指令 runtime.asyncPreempt 会调用运行时函数 runtime.asyncPreempt2,最后调用 runtime.preemptPark
  • runtime.preemptPark 会将当前 goroutine 的状态修改到 _Gpreempt,并调用 runtime.schedule 让当前函数陷入休眠并让出线程,调度器选择其他 goroutine 执行



type g struct {
	// Stack parameters.
	// stack describes the actual stack memory: [stack.lo, stack.hi).
	// stackguard0 is the stack pointer compared in the Go stack growth prologue.
	// It is stack.lo+StackGuard normally, but can be StackPreempt to trigger a preemption.
	// stackguard1 is the stack pointer compared in the C stack growth prologue.
	// It is stack.lo+StackGuard on g0 and gsignal stacks.
	// It is ~0 on other goroutine stacks, to trigger a call to morestackc (and crash).
	stack       stack   // offset known to runtime/cgo
	stackguard0 uintptr // offset known to liblink
	stackguard1 uintptr // offset known to liblink

	_panic    *_panic // innermost panic - offset known to liblink
	_defer    *_defer // innermost defer
	m         *m      // current m; offset known to arm liblink
	sched     gobuf
	syscallsp uintptr // if status==Gsyscall, syscallsp = sched.sp to use during gc
	syscallpc uintptr // if status==Gsyscall, syscallpc = sched.pc to use during gc
	stktopsp  uintptr // expected sp at top of stack, to check in traceback
	// param is a generic pointer parameter field used to pass
	// values in particular contexts where other storage for the
	// parameter would be difficult to find. It is currently used
	// in three ways:
	// 1. When a channel operation wakes up a blocked goroutine, it sets param to
	//    point to the sudog of the completed blocking operation.
	// 2. By gcAssistAlloc1 to signal back to its caller that the goroutine completed
	//    the GC cycle. It is unsafe to do so in any other way, because the goroutine's
	//    stack may have moved in the meantime.
	// 3. By debugCallWrap to pass parameters to a new goroutine because allocating a
	//    closure in the runtime is forbidden.
	param        unsafe.Pointer
	atomicstatus atomic.Uint32
	stackLock    uint32 // sigprof/scang lock; TODO: fold in to atomicstatus
	goid         uint64
	schedlink    guintptr
	waitsince    int64      // approx time when the g become blocked
	waitreason   waitReason // if status==Gwaiting

	preempt       bool // preemption signal, duplicates stackguard0 = stackpreempt
	preemptStop   bool // transition to _Gpreempted on preemption; otherwise, just deschedule
	preemptShrink bool // shrink stack at synchronous safe point

	// asyncSafePoint is set if g is stopped at an asynchronous
	// safe point. This means there are frames on the stack
	// without precise pointer information.
	asyncSafePoint bool

	paniconfault bool // panic (instead of crash) on unexpected fault address
	gcscandone   bool // g has scanned stack; protected by _Gscan bit in status
	throwsplit   bool // must not split stack
	// activeStackChans indicates that there are unlocked channels
	// pointing into this goroutine's stack. If true, stack
	// copying needs to acquire channel locks to protect these
	// areas of the stack.
	activeStackChans bool
	// parkingOnChan indicates that the goroutine is about to
	// park on a chansend or chanrecv. Used to signal an unsafe point
	// for stack shrinking.
	parkingOnChan atomic.Bool

	raceignore    int8  // ignore race detection events
	tracking      bool  // whether we're tracking this G for sched latency statistics
	trackingSeq   uint8 // used to decide whether to track this G
	trackingStamp int64 // timestamp of when the G last started being tracked
	runnableTime  int64 // the amount of time spent runnable, cleared when running, only used when tracking
	lockedm       muintptr
	sig           uint32
	writebuf      []byte
	sigcode0      uintptr
	sigcode1      uintptr
	sigpc         uintptr
	parentGoid    uint64          // goid of goroutine that created this goroutine
	gopc          uintptr         // pc of go statement that created this goroutine
	ancestors     *[]ancestorInfo // ancestor information goroutine(s) that created this goroutine (only used if debug.tracebackancestors)
	startpc       uintptr         // pc of goroutine function
	racectx       uintptr
	waiting       *sudog         // sudog structures this g is waiting on (that have a valid elem ptr); in lock order
	cgoCtxt       []uintptr      // cgo traceback context
	labels        unsafe.Pointer // profiler labels
	timer         *timer         // cached timer for time.Sleep
	selectDone    atomic.Uint32  // are we participating in a select and did someone win the race?

	// goroutineProfiled indicates the status of this goroutine's stack for the
	// current in-progress goroutine profile
	goroutineProfiled goroutineProfileStateHolder

	// Per-G tracer state.
	trace gTraceState

	// Per-G GC state

	// gcAssistBytes is this G's GC assist credit in terms of
	// bytes allocated. If this is positive, then the G has credit
	// to allocate gcAssistBytes bytes without assisting. If this
	// is negative, then the G must correct this by performing
	// scan work. We track this in bytes to make it fast to update
	// and check for debt in the malloc hot path. The assist ratio
	// determines how this corresponds to scan work debt.
	gcAssistBytes int64


type m struct {
	g0      *g     // goroutine with scheduling stack
	morebuf gobuf  // gobuf arg to morestack
	divmod  uint32 // div/mod denominator for arm - known to liblink
	_       uint32 // align next field to 8 bytes

	// Fields not known to debuggers.
	procid        uint64            // for debuggers, but offset not hard-coded
	gsignal       *g                // signal-handling g
	goSigStack    gsignalStack      // Go-allocated signal handling stack
	sigmask       sigset            // storage for saved signal mask
	tls           [tlsSlots]uintptr // thread-local storage (for x86 extern register)
	mstartfn      func()
	curg          *g       // current running goroutine
	caughtsig     guintptr // goroutine running during fatal signal
	p             puintptr // attached p for executing go code (nil if not executing go code)
	nextp         puintptr
	oldp          puintptr // the p that was attached before executing a syscall
	id            int64
	mallocing     int32
	throwing      throwType
	preemptoff    string // if != "", keep curg running on this m
	locks         int32
	dying         int32
	profilehz     int32
	spinning      bool // m is out of work and is actively looking for work
	blocked       bool // m is blocked on a note
	newSigstack   bool // minit on C thread called sigaltstack
	printlock     int8
	incgo         bool          // m is executing a cgo call
	isextra       bool          // m is an extra m
	isExtraInC    bool          // m is an extra m that is not executing Go code
	freeWait      atomic.Uint32 // Whether it is safe to free g0 and delete m (one of freeMRef, freeMStack, freeMWait)
	fastrand      uint64
	needextram    bool
	traceback     uint8
	ncgocall      uint64        // number of cgo calls in total
	ncgo          int32         // number of cgo calls currently in progress
	cgoCallersUse atomic.Uint32 // if non-zero, cgoCallers in use temporarily
	cgoCallers    *cgoCallers   // cgo traceback if crashing in cgo call
	park          note
	alllink       *m // on allm
	schedlink     muintptr
	lockedg       guintptr
	createstack   [32]uintptr // stack that created this thread.
	lockedExt     uint32      // tracking for external LockOSThread
	lockedInt     uint32      // tracking for internal lockOSThread
	nextwaitm     muintptr    // next m waiting for lock

	// wait* are used to carry arguments from gopark into park_m, because
	// there's no stack to put them on. That is their sole purpose.
	waitunlockf          func(*g, unsafe.Pointer) bool
	waitlock             unsafe.Pointer
	waitTraceBlockReason traceBlockReason
	waitTraceSkip        int

	syscalltick uint32
	freelink    *m // on sched.freem
	trace       mTraceState

	// these are here because they are too large to be on the stack
	// of low-level NOSPLIT functions.
	libcall   libcall
	libcallpc uintptr // for cpu profiler
	libcallsp uintptr
	libcallg  guintptr
	syscall   libcall // stores syscall parameters on windows

	vdsoSP uintptr // SP for traceback while in VDSO call (0 if not in call)
	vdsoPC uintptr // PC for traceback while in VDSO call

	// preemptGen counts the number of completed preemption
	// signals. This is used to detect when a preemption is
	// requested, but fails.
	preemptGen atomic.Uint32

	// Whether this is a pending preemption signal on this M.
	signalPending atomic.Uint32



	// Up to 10 locks held by this m, maintained by the lock ranking code.
	locksHeldLen int
	locksHeld    [10]heldLockInfo


type p struct {
	id          int32
	status      uint32 // one of pidle/prunning/...
	link        puintptr
	schedtick   uint32     // incremented on every scheduler call
	syscalltick uint32     // incremented on every system call
	sysmontick  sysmontick // last tick observed by sysmon
	m           muintptr   // back-link to associated m (nil if idle)
	mcache      *mcache
	pcache      pageCache
	raceprocctx uintptr

	deferpool    []*_defer // pool of available defer structs (see panic.go)
	deferpoolbuf [32]*_defer

	// Cache of goroutine ids, amortizes accesses to runtime·sched.goidgen.
	goidcache    uint64
	goidcacheend uint64

	// Queue of runnable goroutines. Accessed without lock.
	runqhead uint32
	runqtail uint32
	runq     [256]guintptr
	// runnext, if non-nil, is a runnable G that was ready'd by
	// the current G and should be run next instead of what's in
	// runq if there's time remaining in the running G's time
	// slice. It will inherit the time left in the current time
	// slice. If a set of goroutines is locked in a
	// communicate-and-wait pattern, this schedules that set as a
	// unit and eliminates the (potentially large) scheduling
	// latency that otherwise arises from adding the ready'd
	// goroutines to the end of the run queue.
	// Note that while other P's may atomically CAS this to zero,
	// only the owner P can CAS it to a valid G.
	runnext guintptr

	// Available G's (status == Gdead)
	gFree struct {
		n int32

	sudogcache []*sudog
	sudogbuf   [128]*sudog

	// Cache of mspan objects from the heap.
	mspancache struct {
		// We need an explicit length here because this field is used
		// in allocation codepaths where write barriers are not allowed,
		// and eliminating the write barrier/keeping it eliminated from
		// slice updates is tricky, more so than just managing the length
		// ourselves.
		len int
		buf [128]*mspan

	// Cache of a single pinner object to reduce allocations from repeated
	// pinner creation.
	pinnerCache *pinner

	trace pTraceState

	palloc persistentAlloc // per-P to avoid mutex

	// The when field of the first entry on the timer heap.
	// This is 0 if the timer heap is empty.
	timer0When atomic.Int64

	// The earliest known nextwhen field of a timer with
	// timerModifiedEarlier status. Because the timer may have been
	// modified again, there need not be any timer with this value.
	// This is 0 if there are no timerModifiedEarlier timers.
	timerModifiedEarliest atomic.Int64

	// Per-P GC state
	gcAssistTime         int64 // Nanoseconds in assistAlloc
	gcFractionalMarkTime int64 // Nanoseconds in fractional mark worker (atomic)

	// limiterEvent tracks events for the GC CPU limiter.
	limiterEvent limiterEvent

	// gcMarkWorkerMode is the mode for the next mark worker to run in.
	// That is, this is used to communicate with the worker goroutine
	// selected for immediate execution by
	// gcController.findRunnableGCWorker. When scheduling other goroutines,
	// this field must be set to gcMarkWorkerNotWorker.
	gcMarkWorkerMode gcMarkWorkerMode
	// gcMarkWorkerStartTime is the nanotime() at which the most recent
	// mark worker started.
	gcMarkWorkerStartTime int64

	// gcw is this P's GC work buffer cache. The work buffer is
	// filled by write barriers, drained by mutator assists, and
	// disposed on certain GC state transitions.
	gcw gcWork

	// wbBuf is this P's GC write barrier buffer.
	// TODO: Consider caching this in the running G.
	wbBuf wbBuf

	runSafePointFn uint32 // if 1, run sched.safePointFn at next safe point

	// statsSeq is a counter indicating whether this P is currently
	// writing any stats. Its value is even when not, odd when it is.
	statsSeq atomic.Uint32

	// Lock for timers. We normally access the timers while running
	// on this P, but the scheduler can also do it from a different P.
	timersLock mutex

	// Actions to take at some time. This is used to implement the
	// standard library's time package.
	// Must hold timersLock to access.
	timers []*timer

	// Number of timers in P's heap.
	numTimers atomic.Uint32

	// Number of timerDeleted timers in P's heap.
	deletedTimers atomic.Uint32

	// Race context used while executing timer functions.
	timerRaceCtx uintptr

	// maxStackScanDelta accumulates the amount of stack space held by
	// live goroutines (i.e. those eligible for stack scanning).
	// Flushed to gcController.maxStackScan once maxStackScanSlack
	// or -maxStackScanSlack is reached.
	maxStackScanDelta int64

	// gc-time statistics about current goroutines
	// Note that this differs from maxStackScan in that this
	// accumulates the actual stack observed to be used at GC time (hi - sp),
	// not an instantaneous measure of the total stack size that might need
	// to be scanned (hi - lo).
	scannedStackSize uint64 // stack size of goroutines scanned by this P
	scannedStacks    uint64 // number of goroutines scanned by this P

	// preempt is set to indicate that this P should be enter the
	// scheduler ASAP (regardless of what G is running on it).
	preempt bool

	// pageTraceBuf is a buffer for writing out page allocation/free/scavenge traces.
	// Used only if GOEXPERIMENT=pagetrace.
	pageTraceBuf pageTraceBuf

	// Padding is no longer needed. False  sharing is now not a worry because p is large enough
	// that its size class is an integer multiple of the cache line size (for any of our architectures).


type schedt struct {
	goidgen   atomic.Uint64
	lastpoll  atomic.Int64 // time of last network poll, 0 if currently polling
	pollUntil atomic.Int64 // time to which current poll is sleeping

	lock mutex

	// When increasing nmidle, nmidlelocked, nmsys, or nmfreed, be
	// sure to call checkdead().

	midle        muintptr // idle m's waiting for work
	nmidle       int32    // number of idle m's waiting for work
	nmidlelocked int32    // number of locked m's waiting for work
	mnext        int64    // number of m's that have been created and next M ID
	maxmcount    int32    // maximum number of m's allowed (or die)
	nmsys        int32    // number of system m's not counted for deadlock
	nmfreed      int64    // cumulative number of freed m's

	ngsys atomic.Int32 // number of system goroutines

	pidle        puintptr // idle p's
	npidle       atomic.Int32
	nmspinning   atomic.Int32  // See "Worker thread parking/unparking" comment in proc.go.
	needspinning atomic.Uint32 // See "Delicate dance" comment in proc.go. Boolean. Must hold sched.lock to set to 1.

	// Global runnable queue.
	runq     gQueue
	runqsize int32

	// disable controls selective disabling of the scheduler.
	// Use schedEnableUser to control this.
	// disable is protected by sched.lock.
	disable struct {
		// user disables scheduling of user goroutines.
		user     bool
		runnable gQueue // pending runnable Gs
		n        int32  // length of runnable

	// Global cache of dead G's.
	gFree struct {
		lock    mutex
		stack   gList // Gs with stacks
		noStack gList // Gs without stacks
		n       int32

	// Central cache of sudog structs.
	sudoglock  mutex
	sudogcache *sudog

	// Central pool of available defer structs.
	deferlock mutex
	deferpool *_defer

	// freem is the list of m's waiting to be freed when their
	// m.exited is set. Linked through m.freelink.
	freem *m

	gcwaiting  atomic.Bool // gc is waiting to run
	stopwait   int32
	stopnote   note
	sysmonwait atomic.Bool
	sysmonnote note

	// safepointFn should be called on each P at the next GC
	// safepoint if p.runSafePointFn is set.
	safePointFn   func(*p)
	safePointWait int32
	safePointNote note

	profilehz int32 // cpu profiling rate

	procresizetime int64 // nanotime() of last change to gomaxprocs
	totaltime      int64 // ∫gomaxprocs dt up to procresizetime

	// sysmonlock protects sysmon's actions on the runtime.
	// Acquire and hold this mutex to block sysmon from interacting
	// with the rest of the runtime.
	sysmonlock mutex

	// timeToRun is a distribution of scheduling latencies, defined
	// as the sum of time a G spends in the _Grunnable state before
	// it transitions to _Grunning.
	timeToRun timeHistogram

	// idleTime is the total CPU time Ps have "spent" idle.
	// Reset on each GC cycle.
	idleTime atomic.Int64

	// totalMutexWaitTime is the sum of time goroutines have spent in _Gwaiting
	// with a waitreason of the form waitReasonSync{RW,}Mutex{R,}Lock.
	totalMutexWaitTime atomic.Int64
var (
	allm       *m
	gomaxprocs int32
	ncpu       int32
	forcegc    forcegcstate
	sched      schedt
	newprocs   int32

	// allpLock protects P-less reads and size changes of allp, idlepMask,
	// and timerpMask, and all writes to allp.
	allpLock mutex
	// len(allp) == gomaxprocs; may change at safe points, otherwise
	// immutable.
	allp []*p
	// Bitmask of Ps in _Pidle list, one bit per P. Reads and writes must
	// be atomic. Length may change at safe points.
	// Each P must update only its own bit. In order to maintain
	// consistency, a P going idle must the idle mask simultaneously with
	// updates to the idle P list under the sched.lock, otherwise a racing
	// pidleget may clear the mask before pidleput sets the mask,
	// corrupting the bitmap.
	// N.B., procresize takes ownership of all Ps in stopTheWorldWithSema.
	idlepMask pMask
	// Bitmask of Ps that may have a timer, one bit per P. Reads and writes
	// must be atomic. Length may change at safe points.
	timerpMask pMask

	// Pool of GC parked background workers. Entries are type
	// *gcBgMarkWorkerNode.
	gcBgMarkWorkerPool lfstack

	// Total number of gcBgMarkWorker goroutines. Protected by worldsema.
	gcBgMarkWorkerCount int32

	// Information about what cpu features are available.
	// Packages outside the runtime should not use these
	// as they are not an external api.
	// Set on startup in asm_{386,amd64}.s
	processorVersionInfo uint32
	isIntel              bool

	goarm uint8 // set by cmd/link on arm systems


  • g
  • m
  • p
    • runqhead uint32 无锁环形队列
    • runqtail uint32
    • runq [256]guintptr


  • runtime.systemstack[^systemstack]TODO 该函数旨在临时性切换至当前 M 的 g0 栈,完成操作后再切换回原来的协程栈,主要用于执行触发栈增长函数。如果处于 gsignal??? 或 g0 栈上,则 systemstack 不会产生作用(当从 g0 切换回 g 后,会丢弃 g0 栈上的内容TODO

  • runtime.mcall[42]systemstack 类似,但是不可以在 g0 栈上调用,也不会切换回 g。作用???将自己挂起

  • runtime.gosave[^gosave]

  • func handoffp(pp *p)

  • gcstopm

  • wakeup()


// systemstack runs fn on a system stack.
// If systemstack is called from the per-OS-thread (g0) stack, or
// if systemstack is called from the signal handling (gsignal) stack,
// systemstack calls fn directly and returns.
// Otherwise, systemstack is being called from the limited stack
// of an ordinary goroutine. In this case, systemstack switches
// to the per-OS-thread stack, calls fn, and switches back.
// It is common to use a func literal as the argument, in order
// to share inputs and outputs with the code around the call
// to system stack:
//	... set up y ...
//	systemstack(func() {
//		x = bigcall(y)
//	})
//	... use x ...
// func systemstack(fn func())
TEXT runtime·systemstack(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
  MOVQ	fn+0(FP), DI	// DI = fn
  MOVQ	g(CX), AX	// AX = g
  MOVQ	g_m(AX), BX	// BX = m

  CMPQ	AX, m_gsignal(BX)
  JEQ	noswitch

  MOVQ	m_g0(BX), DX	// DX = g0
  JEQ	noswitch

  CMPQ	AX, m_curg(BX)
  JNE	bad

  // Switch stacks.
  // The original frame pointer is stored in BP,
  // which is useful for stack unwinding.
  // Save our state in g->sched. Pretend to
  // be systemstack_switch if the G stack is scanned.
  CALL	gosave_systemstack_switch<>(SB)

  // switch to g0
  MOVQ	DX, g(CX)
  MOVQ	DX, R14 // set the g register
  MOVQ	(g_sched+gobuf_sp)(DX), SP

  // call target function
  MOVQ	0(DI), DI

  // switch back to g
  MOVQ	g(CX), AX
  MOVQ	g_m(AX), BX
  MOVQ	m_curg(BX), AX
  MOVQ	AX, g(CX)
  MOVQ	(g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX), SP
  MOVQ	(g_sched+gobuf_bp)(AX), BP
  MOVQ	$0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)
  MOVQ	$0, (g_sched+gobuf_bp)(AX)

  // already on m stack; tail call the function
  // Using a tail call here cleans up tracebacks since we won't stop
  // at an intermediate systemstack.
  MOVQ	0(DI), DI
  // The function epilogue is not called on a tail call.
  // Pop BP from the stack to simulate it.

  // Bad: g is not gsignal, not g0, not curg. What is it?
  MOVQ	$runtime·badsystemstack(SB), AX
  INT	$3


GM 模型


  • 全局 mutex 保护全局 runq,调度时要先获取锁,竞争严重
  • G 的执行被分发到随机 M,造成在不同 M 频繁切换

GMP 模型

  • 本地 runq 和全局 runq
  • M 的自旋


new main goroutine(newproc)
mstart -> schedule()
      sysmon, package init...
      call main.main
          *newproc(0, funA) -> newproc1(协程入口参数地址参数大小父协程返回地址)
            acquirem() // 禁止当前 m 被抢占
            gfget(_p_) // 获取空闲 g
            如果无 g 则创建一个添加到 allgs
            memmove // 协程入口如果有参数,将参数移动到协程栈上
            runqput // 将 g 放到当前 p 的本地队列
            // 执行相关逻辑 funA
            goexit() // 处理协程资源
        switch g0 & it's stack
        call runtime.park_m()
              m.curg.m = nil
              m.curg = nil
  switch g0


  1. TEXT _rt0_amd64(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8
      MOVQ	0(SP), DI	// argc
      LEAQ	8(SP), SI	// argv
      JMP	runtime·rt0_go(SB)
  2. TEXT runtime·rt0_go(SB),NOSPLIT|TOPFRAME,$0
      CALL	runtime·check(SB)
      MOVL	24(SP), AX		// copy argc
      MOVL	AX, 0(SP)
      MOVQ	32(SP), AX		// copy argv
      MOVQ	AX, 8(SP)
      CALL	runtime·args(SB)
      CALL	runtime·osinit(SB)
      CALL	runtime·schedinit(SB)
      // create a new goroutine to start program
      MOVQ	$runtime·mainPC(SB), AX		// entry
      PUSHQ	AX
      CALL	runtime·newproc(SB)
      POPQ	AX
      // start this M
      CALL	runtime·mstart(SB)
      CALL	runtime·abort(SB)	// mstart should never return
  3. func schedinit() {
      gp := getg()
      sched.maxmcount = 10000
      // The world starts stopped.
      godebug := getGodebugEarly()
      initPageTrace(godebug) // must run after mallocinit but before anything allocates
      cpuinit(godebug)       // must run before alginit
      alginit()              // maps, hash, fastrand must not be used before this call
      fastrandinit()         // must run before mcommoninit
      mcommoninit(gp.m, -1)
      modulesinit()   // provides activeModules
      typelinksinit() // uses maps, activeModules
      itabsinit()     // uses activeModules
      stkobjinit()    // must run before GC starts
      initSigmask = gp.m.sigmask
      procs := ncpu
      if n, ok := atoi32(gogetenv("GOMAXPROCS")); ok && n > 0 {
        procs = n
      if procresize(procs) != nil {
        throw("unknown runnable goroutine during bootstrap")
      // World is effectively started now, as P's can run.
  4. // Create a new g running fn.
    // Put it on the queue of g's waiting to run.
    // The compiler turns a go statement into a call to this.
    func newproc(fn *funcval) {
      gp := getg()
      pc := getcallerpc()
      systemstack(func() {
        newg := newproc1(fn, gp, pc)
        pp := getg().m.p.ptr()
        runqput(pp, newg, true)
        if mainStarted {
  5. // Create a new g in state _Grunnable, starting at fn. callerpc is the
    // address of the go statement that created this. The caller is responsible
    // for adding the new g to the scheduler.
    func newproc1(fn *funcval, callergp *g, callerpc uintptr) *g {
      if fn == nil {
        fatal("go of nil func value")
      mp := acquirem() // disable preemption because we hold M and P in local vars.
      pp := mp.p.ptr()
      newg := gfget(pp)
      if newg == nil {
        newg = malg(stackMin)
        casgstatus(newg, _Gidle, _Gdead)
        allgadd(newg) // publishes with a g->status of Gdead so GC scanner doesn't look at uninitialized stack.
      if newg.stack.hi == 0 {
        throw("newproc1: newg missing stack")
      if readgstatus(newg) != _Gdead {
        throw("newproc1: new g is not Gdead")
      totalSize := uintptr(4*goarch.PtrSize + sys.MinFrameSize) // extra space in case of reads slightly beyond frame
      totalSize = alignUp(totalSize, sys.StackAlign)
      sp := newg.stack.hi - totalSize
      spArg := sp
      if usesLR {
        // caller's LR
        *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
        spArg += sys.MinFrameSize
      memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(&newg.sched), unsafe.Sizeof(newg.sched))
      newg.sched.sp = sp
      newg.stktopsp = sp
      newg.sched.pc = abi.FuncPCABI0(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
      newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
      gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
      newg.parentGoid = callergp.goid
      newg.gopc = callerpc
      newg.ancestors = saveAncestors(callergp)
      newg.startpc = fn.fn
      if isSystemGoroutine(newg, false) {
      } else {
        // Only user goroutines inherit pprof labels.
        if mp.curg != nil {
          newg.labels = mp.curg.labels
        if {
          // A concurrent goroutine profile is running. It should include
          // exactly the set of goroutines that were alive when the goroutine
          // profiler first stopped the world. That does not include newg, so
          // mark it as not needing a profile before transitioning it from
          // _Gdead.
      // Track initial transition?
      newg.trackingSeq = uint8(fastrand())
      if newg.trackingSeq%gTrackingPeriod == 0 {
        newg.tracking = true
      casgstatus(newg, _Gdead, _Grunnable)
      gcController.addScannableStack(pp, int64(newg.stack.hi-newg.stack.lo))
      if pp.goidcache == pp.goidcacheend {
        // Sched.goidgen is the last allocated id,
        // this batch must be [sched.goidgen+1, sched.goidgen+GoidCacheBatch].
        // At startup sched.goidgen=0, so main goroutine receives goid=1.
        pp.goidcache = sched.goidgen.Add(_GoidCacheBatch)
        pp.goidcache -= _GoidCacheBatch - 1
        pp.goidcacheend = pp.goidcache + _GoidCacheBatch
      newg.goid = pp.goidcache
      if raceenabled {
        newg.racectx = racegostart(callerpc)
        newg.raceignore = 0
        if newg.labels != nil {
          // See note in proflabel.go on labelSync's role in synchronizing
          // with the reads in the signal handler.
          racereleasemergeg(newg, unsafe.Pointer(&labelSync))
      if traceEnabled() {
        traceGoCreate(newg, newg.startpc)
      return newg
  6. // Allocate a new g, with a stack big enough for stacksize bytes.
    func malg(stacksize int32) *g {
      newg := new(g)
      if stacksize >= 0 {
        stacksize = round2(_StackSystem + stacksize)
        systemstack(func() {
          newg.stack = stackalloc(uint32(stacksize))
        newg.stackguard0 = newg.stack.lo + _StackGuard
        newg.stackguard1 = ^uintptr(0)
        // Clear the bottom word of the stack. We record g
        // there on gsignal stack during VDSO on ARM and ARM64.
        *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(newg.stack.lo)) = 0
      return newg
  7. func allgadd(gp *g) {
      if readgstatus(gp) == _Gidle {
        throw("allgadd: bad status Gidle")
      allgs = append(allgs, gp)
      if &allgs[0] != allgptr {
        atomicstorep(unsafe.Pointer(&allgptr), unsafe.Pointer(&allgs[0]))
      atomic.Storeuintptr(&allglen, uintptr(len(allgs)))
  8. totalSize := uintptr(4*goarch.PtrSize + sys.MinFrameSize) // extra space in case of reads slightly beyond frame
    totalSize = alignUp(totalSize, sys.StackAlign)
    sp := newg.stack.hi - totalSize
    spArg := sp
    if usesLR {
      // caller's LR
      *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
      spArg += sys.MinFrameSize
    memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(&newg.sched), unsafe.Sizeof(newg.sched))
    newg.sched.sp = sp
    newg.stktopsp = sp
    newg.sched.pc = abi.FuncPCABI0(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
    newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
    gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
    newg.parentGoid = callergp.goid
    newg.gopc = callerpc
    newg.ancestors = saveAncestors(callergp)
    newg.startpc = fn.fn
  9. // adjust Gobuf as if it executed a call to fn
    // and then stopped before the first instruction in fn.
    func gostartcallfn(gobuf *gobuf, fv *funcval) {
      var fn unsafe.Pointer
      if fv != nil {
        fn = unsafe.Pointer(fv.fn)
      } else {
        fn = unsafe.Pointer(abi.FuncPCABIInternal(nilfunc))
      gostartcall(gobuf, fn, unsafe.Pointer(fv))
    // adjust Gobuf as if it executed a call to fn with context ctxt
    // and then stopped before the first instruction in fn.
    func gostartcall(buf *gobuf, fn, ctxt unsafe.Pointer) {
      sp := buf.sp
      sp -= goarch.PtrSize
      *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = buf.pc
      buf.sp = sp
      buf.pc = uintptr(fn)
      buf.ctxt = ctxt
  10. // Get from gfree list.
    // If local list is empty, grab a batch from global list.
    func gfget(pp *p) *g {
      if pp.gFree.empty() && (!sched.gFree.stack.empty() || !sched.gFree.noStack.empty()) {
        // Move a batch of free Gs to the P.
        for pp.gFree.n < 32 {
          // Prefer Gs with stacks.
          gp := sched.gFree.stack.pop()
          if gp == nil {
            gp = sched.gFree.noStack.pop()
            if gp == nil {
        goto retry
      gp := pp.gFree.pop()
      if gp == nil {
        return nil
      if gp.stack.lo != 0 && gp.stack.hi-gp.stack.lo != uintptr(startingStackSize) {
        // Deallocate old stack. We kept it in gfput because it was the
        // right size when the goroutine was put on the free list, but
        // the right size has changed since then.
        systemstack(func() {
          gp.stack.lo = 0
          gp.stack.hi = 0
          gp.stackguard0 = 0
      if gp.stack.lo == 0 {
        // Stack was deallocated in gfput or just above. Allocate a new one.
        systemstack(func() {
          gp.stack = stackalloc(startingStackSize)
        gp.stackguard0 = gp.stack.lo + _StackGuard
      } else {
        if raceenabled {
          racemalloc(unsafe.Pointer(gp.stack.lo), gp.stack.hi-gp.stack.lo)
        if msanenabled {
          msanmalloc(unsafe.Pointer(gp.stack.lo), gp.stack.hi-gp.stack.lo)
        if asanenabled {
          asanunpoison(unsafe.Pointer(gp.stack.lo), gp.stack.hi-gp.stack.lo)
      return gp
  11. // runqput tries to put g on the local runnable queue.
    // If next is false, runqput adds g to the tail of the runnable queue.
    // If next is true, runqput puts g in the pp.runnext slot.
    // If the run queue is full, runnext puts g on the global queue.
    // Executed only by the owner P.
    func runqput(pp *p, gp *g, next bool) {
      if randomizeScheduler && next && fastrandn(2) == 0 {
        next = false
      if next {
        oldnext := pp.runnext
        if !pp.runnext.cas(oldnext, guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gp))) {
          goto retryNext
        if oldnext == 0 {
        // Kick the old runnext out to the regular run queue.
        gp = oldnext.ptr()
      h := atomic.LoadAcq(&pp.runqhead) // load-acquire, synchronize with consumers
      t := pp.runqtail
      if t-h < uint32(len(pp.runq)) {
        atomic.StoreRel(&pp.runqtail, t+1) // store-release, makes the item available for consumption
      if runqputslow(pp, gp, h, t) {
      // the queue is not full, now the put above must succeed
      goto retry
  12. // Put g and a batch of work from local runnable queue on global queue.
    // Executed only by the owner P.
    func runqputslow(pp *p, gp *g, h, t uint32) bool {
      var batch [len(pp.runq)/2 + 1]*g
      // First, grab a batch from local queue.
      n := t - h
      n = n / 2
      if n != uint32(len(pp.runq)/2) {
        throw("runqputslow: queue is not full")
      for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ {
        batch[i] = pp.runq[(h+i)%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
      if !atomic.CasRel(&pp.runqhead, h, h+n) { // cas-release, commits consume
        return false
      batch[n] = gp
      if randomizeScheduler {
        for i := uint32(1); i <= n; i++ {
          j := fastrandn(i + 1)
          batch[i], batch[j] = batch[j], batch[i]
      // Link the goroutines.
      for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ {
      var q gQueue
      // Now put the batch on global queue.
      globrunqputbatch(&q, int32(n+1))
      return true
  13. func globrunqputbatch(batch *gQueue, n int32) {
      sched.runqsize += n
      *batch = gQueue{}
  14. // mstart0 is the Go entry-point for new Ms.
    // This must not split the stack because we may not even have stack
    // bounds set up yet.
    // May run during STW (because it doesn't have a P yet), so write
    // barriers are not allowed.
    func mstart0() {
      gp := getg()
      osStack := gp.stack.lo == 0
      if osStack {
        // Initialize stack bounds from system stack.
        // Cgo may have left stack size in stack.hi.
        // minit may update the stack bounds.
        // Note: these bounds may not be very accurate.
        // We set hi to &size, but there are things above
        // it. The 1024 is supposed to compensate this,
        // but is somewhat arbitrary.
        size := gp.stack.hi
        if size == 0 {
          size = 8192 * sys.StackGuardMultiplier
        gp.stack.hi = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&size)))
        gp.stack.lo = gp.stack.hi - size + 1024
      // Initialize stack guard so that we can start calling regular
      // Go code.
      gp.stackguard0 = gp.stack.lo + _StackGuard
      // This is the g0, so we can also call go:systemstack
      // functions, which check stackguard1.
      gp.stackguard1 = gp.stackguard0
      // Exit this thread.
      if mStackIsSystemAllocated() {
        // Windows, Solaris, illumos, Darwin, AIX and Plan 9 always system-allocate
        // the stack, but put it in gp.stack before mstart,
        // so the logic above hasn't set osStack yet.
        osStack = true
  15. // The go:noinline is to guarantee the getcallerpc/getcallersp below are safe,
    // so that we can set up g0.sched to return to the call of mstart1 above.
    func mstart1() {
      gp := getg()
      if gp != gp.m.g0 {
        throw("bad runtime·mstart")
      // Set up m.g0.sched as a label returning to just
      // after the mstart1 call in mstart0 above, for use by goexit0 and mcall.
      // We're never coming back to mstart1 after we call schedule,
      // so other calls can reuse the current frame.
      // And goexit0 does a gogo that needs to return from mstart1
      // and let mstart0 exit the thread.
      gp.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gp))
      gp.sched.pc = getcallerpc()
      gp.sched.sp = getcallersp()
      // Install signal handlers; after minit so that minit can
      // prepare the thread to be able to handle the signals.
      if gp.m == &m0 {
      if fn := gp.m.mstartfn; fn != nil {
      if gp.m != &m0 {
        gp.m.nextp = 0
  16. / One round of scheduler: find a runnable goroutine and execute it.
    // Never returns.
    func schedule() {
      mp := getg().m
      if mp.locks != 0 {
        throw("schedule: holding locks")
      if mp.lockedg != 0 {
        execute(mp.lockedg.ptr(), false) // Never returns.
      // We should not schedule away from a g that is executing a cgo call,
      // since the cgo call is using the m's g0 stack.
      if mp.incgo {
        throw("schedule: in cgo")
      pp := mp.p.ptr()
      pp.preempt = false
      // Safety check: if we are spinning, the run queue should be empty.
      // Check this before calling checkTimers, as that might call
      // goready to put a ready goroutine on the local run queue.
      if mp.spinning && (pp.runnext != 0 || pp.runqhead != pp.runqtail) {
        throw("schedule: spinning with local work")
      gp, inheritTime, tryWakeP := findRunnable() // blocks until work is available
      // This thread is going to run a goroutine and is not spinning anymore,
      // so if it was marked as spinning we need to reset it now and potentially
      // start a new spinning M.
      if mp.spinning {
      if sched.disable.user && !schedEnabled(gp) {
        // Scheduling of this goroutine is disabled. Put it on
        // the list of pending runnable goroutines for when we
        // re-enable user scheduling and look again.
        if schedEnabled(gp) {
          // Something re-enabled scheduling while we
          // were acquiring the lock.
        } else {
          goto top
      // If about to schedule a not-normal goroutine (a GCworker or tracereader),
      // wake a P if there is one.
      if tryWakeP {
      if gp.lockedm != 0 {
        // Hands off own p to the locked m,
        // then blocks waiting for a new p.
        goto top
      execute(gp, inheritTime)
  17. mp := getg().m
    if mp.locks != 0 {
      throw("schedule: holding locks")
    if mp.lockedg != 0 {
      execute(mp.lockedg.ptr(), false) // Never returns.
    // We should not schedule away from a g that is executing a cgo call,
    // since the cgo call is using the m's g0 stack.
    if mp.incgo {
      throw("schedule: in cgo")
  18. func schedule() {
      pp := mp.p.ptr()
      pp.preempt = false
      if mp.spinning && (pp.runnext != 0 || pp.runqhead != pp.runqtail) {
        throw("schedule: spinning with local work")
      gp, inheritTime, tryWakeP := findRunnable()
      if mp.spinning {
      if sched.disable.user && !schedEnabled(gp) {
        if schedEnabled(gp) {
        } else {
          goto top
      if gp.lockedm != 0 {
        goto top
      execute(gp, inheritTime)
  19. // Tries to add one more P to execute G's.
    // Called when a G is made runnable (newproc, ready).
    // Must be called with a P.
    func wakep() {
      // Be conservative about spinning threads, only start one if none exist
      // already.
      if sched.nmspinning.Load() != 0 || !sched.nmspinning.CompareAndSwap(0, 1) {
      // Disable preemption until ownership of pp transfers to the next M in
      // startm. Otherwise preemption here would leave pp stuck waiting to
      // enter _Pgcstop.
      // See preemption comment on acquirem in startm for more details.
      mp := acquirem()
      var pp *p
      pp, _ = pidlegetSpinning(0)
      if pp == nil {
        if sched.nmspinning.Add(-1) < 0 {
          throw("wakep: negative nmspinning")
      // Since we always have a P, the race in the "No M is available"
      // comment in startm doesn't apply during the small window between the
      // unlock here and lock in startm. A checkdead in between will always
      // see at least one running M (ours).
      startm(pp, true, false)
  20. // Schedules the locked m to run the locked gp.
    // May run during STW, so write barriers are not allowed.
    func startlockedm(gp *g) {
      mp := gp.lockedm.ptr()
      if mp == getg().m {
        throw("startlockedm: locked to me")
      if mp.nextp != 0 {
        throw("startlockedm: m has p")
      // directly handoff current P to the locked m
      pp := releasep()
  21. // Schedules gp to run on the current M.
    // If inheritTime is true, gp inherits the remaining time in the
    // current time slice. Otherwise, it starts a new time slice.
    // Never returns.
    // Write barriers are allowed because this is called immediately after
    // acquiring a P in several places.
    func execute(gp *g, inheritTime bool) {
      mp := getg().m
      if {
        // Make sure that gp has had its stack written out to the goroutine
        // profile, exactly as it was when the goroutine profiler first stopped
        // the world.
        tryRecordGoroutineProfile(gp, osyield)
      // Assign gp.m before entering _Grunning so running Gs have an
      // M.
      mp.curg = gp
      gp.m = mp
      casgstatus(gp, _Grunnable, _Grunning)
      gp.waitsince = 0
      gp.preempt = false
      gp.stackguard0 = gp.stack.lo + _StackGuard
      if !inheritTime {
      // Check whether the profiler needs to be turned on or off.
      hz := sched.profilehz
      if mp.profilehz != hz {
      if trace.enabled {
        // GoSysExit has to happen when we have a P, but before GoStart.
        // So we emit it here.
        if gp.syscallsp != 0 && gp.sysblocktraced {
    ↩︎ ↩︎
  22. // Finds a runnable goroutine to execute.
    // Tries to steal from other P's, get g from local or global queue, poll network.
    // tryWakeP indicates that the returned goroutine is not normal (GC worker, trace
    // reader) so the caller should try to wake a P.
    func findRunnable() (gp *g, inheritTime, tryWakeP bool) {
      mp := getg().m
      // The conditions here and in handoffp must agree: if
      // findrunnable would return a G to run, handoffp must start
      // an M.
      pp := mp.p.ptr()
      if sched.gcwaiting.Load() {
        goto top
      if pp.runSafePointFn != 0 {
      // now and pollUntil are saved for work stealing later,
      // which may steal timers. It's important that between now
      // and then, nothing blocks, so these numbers remain mostly
      // relevant.
      now, pollUntil, _ := checkTimers(pp, 0)
      // Try to schedule the trace reader.
      if trace.enabled || trace.shutdown {
        gp := traceReader()
        if gp != nil {
          casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
          traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
          return gp, false, true
      // Try to schedule a GC worker.
      if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 {
        gp, tnow := gcController.findRunnableGCWorker(pp, now)
        if gp != nil {
          return gp, false, true
        now = tnow
      // Check the global runnable queue once in a while to ensure fairness.
      // Otherwise two goroutines can completely occupy the local runqueue
      // by constantly respawning each other.
      if pp.schedtick%61 == 0 && sched.runqsize > 0 {
        gp := globrunqget(pp, 1)
        if gp != nil {
          return gp, false, false
      // Wake up the finalizer G.
      if fingStatus.Load()&(fingWait|fingWake) == fingWait|fingWake {
        if gp := wakefing(); gp != nil {
          ready(gp, 0, true)
      if *cgo_yield != nil {
        asmcgocall(*cgo_yield, nil)
      // local runq
      if gp, inheritTime := runqget(pp); gp != nil {
        return gp, inheritTime, false
      // global runq
      if sched.runqsize != 0 {
        gp := globrunqget(pp, 0)
        if gp != nil {
          return gp, false, false
      // Poll network.
      // This netpoll is only an optimization before we resort to stealing.
      // We can safely skip it if there are no waiters or a thread is blocked
      // in netpoll already. If there is any kind of logical race with that
      // blocked thread (e.g. it has already returned from netpoll, but does
      // not set lastpoll yet), this thread will do blocking netpoll below
      // anyway.
      if netpollinited() && netpollWaiters.Load() > 0 && sched.lastpoll.Load() != 0 {
        if list := netpoll(0); !list.empty() { // non-blocking
          gp := list.pop()
          casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
          if trace.enabled {
            traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
          return gp, false, false
      // Spinning Ms: steal work from other Ps.
      // Limit the number of spinning Ms to half the number of busy Ps.
      // This is necessary to prevent excessive CPU consumption when
      // GOMAXPROCS>>1 but the program parallelism is low.
      if mp.spinning || 2*sched.nmspinning.Load() < gomaxprocs-sched.npidle.Load() {
        if !mp.spinning {
        gp, inheritTime, tnow, w, newWork := stealWork(now)
        if gp != nil {
          // Successfully stole.
          return gp, inheritTime, false
        if newWork {
          // There may be new timer or GC work; restart to
          // discover.
          goto top
        now = tnow
        if w != 0 && (pollUntil == 0 || w < pollUntil) {
          // Earlier timer to wait for.
          pollUntil = w
      // We have nothing to do.
      // If we're in the GC mark phase, can safely scan and blacken objects,
      // and have work to do, run idle-time marking rather than give up the P.
      if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 && gcMarkWorkAvailable(pp) && gcController.addIdleMarkWorker() {
        node := (*gcBgMarkWorkerNode)(gcBgMarkWorkerPool.pop())
        if node != nil {
          pp.gcMarkWorkerMode = gcMarkWorkerIdleMode
          gp :=
          casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
          if trace.enabled {
            traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
          return gp, false, false
      // wasm only:
      // If a callback returned and no other goroutine is awake,
      // then wake event handler goroutine which pauses execution
      // until a callback was triggered.
      gp, otherReady := beforeIdle(now, pollUntil)
      if gp != nil {
        casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
        if trace.enabled {
          traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
        return gp, false, false
      if otherReady {
        goto top
      // Before we drop our P, make a snapshot of the allp slice,
      // which can change underfoot once we no longer block
      // safe-points. We don't need to snapshot the contents because
      // everything up to cap(allp) is immutable.
      allpSnapshot := allp
      // Also snapshot masks. Value changes are OK, but we can't allow
      // len to change out from under us.
      idlepMaskSnapshot := idlepMask
      timerpMaskSnapshot := timerpMask
      // return P and block
      if sched.gcwaiting.Load() || pp.runSafePointFn != 0 {
        goto top
      if sched.runqsize != 0 {
        gp := globrunqget(pp, 0)
        return gp, false, false
      if !mp.spinning && sched.needspinning.Load() == 1 {
        // See "Delicate dance" comment below.
        goto top
      if releasep() != pp {
        throw("findrunnable: wrong p")
      now = pidleput(pp, now)
      // Delicate dance: thread transitions from spinning to non-spinning
      // state, potentially concurrently with submission of new work. We must
      // drop nmspinning first and then check all sources again (with
      // #StoreLoad memory barrier in between). If we do it the other way
      // around, another thread can submit work after we've checked all
      // sources but before we drop nmspinning; as a result nobody will
      // unpark a thread to run the work.
      // This applies to the following sources of work:
      // * Goroutines added to a per-P run queue.
      // * New/modified-earlier timers on a per-P timer heap.
      // * Idle-priority GC work (barring
      // If we discover new work below, we need to restore m.spinning as a
      // signal for resetspinning to unpark a new worker thread (because
      // there can be more than one starving goroutine).
      // However, if after discovering new work we also observe no idle Ps
      // (either here or in resetspinning), we have a problem. We may be
      // racing with a non-spinning M in the block above, having found no
      // work and preparing to release its P and park. Allowing that P to go
      // idle will result in loss of work conservation (idle P while there is
      // runnable work). This could result in complete deadlock in the
      // unlikely event that we discover new work (from netpoll) right as we
      // are racing with _all_ other Ps going idle.
      // We use sched.needspinning to synchronize with non-spinning Ms going
      // idle. If needspinning is set when they are about to drop their P,
      // they abort the drop and instead become a new spinning M on our
      // behalf. If we are not racing and the system is truly fully loaded
      // then no spinning threads are required, and the next thread to
      // naturally become spinning will clear the flag.
      // Also see "Worker thread parking/unparking" comment at the top of the
      // file.
      wasSpinning := mp.spinning
      if mp.spinning {
        mp.spinning = false
        if sched.nmspinning.Add(-1) < 0 {
          throw("findrunnable: negative nmspinning")
        // Note the for correctness, only the last M transitioning from
        // spinning to non-spinning must perform these rechecks to
        // ensure no missed work. However, the runtime has some cases
        // of transient increments of nmspinning that are decremented
        // without going through this path, so we must be conservative
        // and perform the check on all spinning Ms.
        // See
        // Check all runqueues once again.
        pp := checkRunqsNoP(allpSnapshot, idlepMaskSnapshot)
        if pp != nil {
          goto top
        // Check for idle-priority GC work again.
        pp, gp := checkIdleGCNoP()
        if pp != nil {
          // Run the idle worker.
          pp.gcMarkWorkerMode = gcMarkWorkerIdleMode
          casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
          if trace.enabled {
            traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
          return gp, false, false
        // Finally, check for timer creation or expiry concurrently with
        // transitioning from spinning to non-spinning.
        // Note that we cannot use checkTimers here because it calls
        // adjusttimers which may need to allocate memory, and that isn't
        // allowed when we don't have an active P.
        pollUntil = checkTimersNoP(allpSnapshot, timerpMaskSnapshot, pollUntil)
      // Poll network until next timer.
      if netpollinited() && (netpollWaiters.Load() > 0 || pollUntil != 0) && sched.lastpoll.Swap(0) != 0 {
        if mp.p != 0 {
          throw("findrunnable: netpoll with p")
        if mp.spinning {
          throw("findrunnable: netpoll with spinning")
        // Refresh now.
        now = nanotime()
        delay := int64(-1)
        if pollUntil != 0 {
          delay = pollUntil - now
          if delay < 0 {
            delay = 0
        if faketime != 0 {
          // When using fake time, just poll.
          delay = 0
        list := netpoll(delay) // block until new work is available
        if faketime != 0 && list.empty() {
          // Using fake time and nothing is ready; stop M.
          // When all M's stop, checkdead will call timejump.
          goto top
        pp, _ := pidleget(now)
        if pp == nil {
        } else {
          if !list.empty() {
            gp := list.pop()
            casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
            if trace.enabled {
              traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
            return gp, false, false
          if wasSpinning {
          goto top
      } else if pollUntil != 0 && netpollinited() {
        pollerPollUntil := sched.pollUntil.Load()
        if pollerPollUntil == 0 || pollerPollUntil > pollUntil {
      goto top
  23. // Stops the current m for stopTheWorld.
    // Returns when the world is restarted.
    func gcstopm() {
      gp := getg()
      if !sched.gcwaiting.Load() {
        throw("gcstopm: not waiting for gc")
      if gp.m.spinning {
        gp.m.spinning = false
        // OK to just drop nmspinning here,
        // startTheWorld will unpark threads as necessary.
        if sched.nmspinning.Add(-1) < 0 {
          throw("gcstopm: negative nmspinning")
      pp := releasep()
      pp.status = _Pgcstop
      if sched.stopwait == 0 {
  24. // runSafePointFn runs the safe point function, if any, for this P.
    // This should be called like
    //	if getg().m.p.runSafePointFn != 0 {
    //	    runSafePointFn()
    //	}
    // runSafePointFn must be checked on any transition in to _Pidle or
    // _Psyscall to avoid a race where forEachP sees that the P is running
    // just before the P goes into _Pidle/_Psyscall and neither forEachP
    // nor the P run the safe-point function.
    func runSafePointFn() {
      p := getg().m.p.ptr()
      // Resolve the race between forEachP running the safe-point
      // function on this P's behalf and this P running the
      // safe-point function directly.
      if !atomic.Cas(&p.runSafePointFn, 1, 0) {
      if sched.safePointWait == 0 {
  25. // checkTimers runs any timers for the P that are ready.
    // If now is not 0 it is the current time.
    // It returns the passed time or the current time if now was passed as 0.
    // and the time when the next timer should run or 0 if there is no next timer,
    // and reports whether it ran any timers.
    // If the time when the next timer should run is not 0,
    // it is always larger than the returned time.
    // We pass now in and out to avoid extra calls of nanotime.
    func checkTimers(pp *p, now int64) (rnow, pollUntil int64, ran bool) {
      // If it's not yet time for the first timer, or the first adjusted
      // timer, then there is nothing to do.
      next := pp.timer0When.Load()
      nextAdj := pp.timerModifiedEarliest.Load()
      if next == 0 || (nextAdj != 0 && nextAdj < next) {
        next = nextAdj
      if next == 0 {
        // No timers to run or adjust.
        return now, 0, false
      if now == 0 {
        now = nanotime()
      if now < next {
        // Next timer is not ready to run, but keep going
        // if we would clear deleted timers.
        // This corresponds to the condition below where
        // we decide whether to call clearDeletedTimers.
        if pp != getg().m.p.ptr() || int(pp.deletedTimers.Load()) <= int(pp.numTimers.Load()/4) {
          return now, next, false
      if len(pp.timers) > 0 {
        adjusttimers(pp, now)
        for len(pp.timers) > 0 {
          // Note that runtimer may temporarily unlock
          // pp.timersLock.
          if tw := runtimer(pp, now); tw != 0 {
            if tw > 0 {
              pollUntil = tw
          ran = true
      // If this is the local P, and there are a lot of deleted timers,
      // clear them out. We only do this for the local P to reduce
      // lock contention on timersLock.
      if pp == getg().m.p.ptr() && int(pp.deletedTimers.Load()) > len(pp.timers)/4 {
      return now, pollUntil, ran
    ↩︎ ↩︎
  26. // Check the global runnable queue once in a while to ensure fairness.
    // Otherwise two goroutines can completely occupy the local runqueue
    // by constantly respawning each other.
    if pp.schedtick%61 == 0 && sched.runqsize > 0 {
      gp := globrunqget(pp, 1)
      if gp != nil {
        return gp, false, false
  27. // Get g from local runnable queue.
    // If inheritTime is true, gp should inherit the remaining time in the
    // current time slice. Otherwise, it should start a new time slice.
    // Executed only by the owner P.
    func runqget(pp *p) (gp *g, inheritTime bool) {
      // If there's a runnext, it's the next G to run.
      next := pp.runnext
      // If the runnext is non-0 and the CAS fails, it could only have been stolen by another P,
      // because other Ps can race to set runnext to 0, but only the current P can set it to non-0.
      // Hence, there's no need to retry this CAS if it fails.
      if next != 0 && pp.runnext.cas(next, 0) {
        return next.ptr(), true
      for {
        h := atomic.LoadAcq(&pp.runqhead) // load-acquire, synchronize with other consumers
        t := pp.runqtail
        if t == h {
          return nil, false
        gp := pp.runq[h%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
        if atomic.CasRel(&pp.runqhead, h, h+1) { // cas-release, commits consume
          return gp, false
  28. // Spinning Ms: steal work from other Ps.
    // Limit the number of spinning Ms to half the number of busy Ps.
    // This is necessary to prevent excessive CPU consumption when
    // GOMAXPROCS>>1 but the program parallelism is low.
    if mp.spinning || 2*sched.nmspinning.Load() < gomaxprocs-sched.npidle.Load() {
  29. if !mp.spinning {
    gp, inheritTime, tnow, w, newWork := stealWork(now)
    if gp != nil {
      // Successfully stole.
      return gp, inheritTime, false
    if newWork {
      // There may be new timer or GC work; restart to
      // discover.
      goto top
    now = tnow
    if w != 0 && (pollUntil == 0 || w < pollUntil) {
      // Earlier timer to wait for.
      pollUntil = w
  30. // return P and block
    if sched.gcwaiting.Load() || pp.runSafePointFn != 0 {
      goto top
    if sched.runqsize != 0 {
      gp := globrunqget(pp, 0)
      return gp, false, false
    if !mp.spinning && sched.needspinning.Load() == 1 {
      // See "Delicate dance" comment below.
      goto top
    if releasep() != pp {
      throw("findrunnable: wrong p")
    now = pidleput(pp, now)
  31. // Try get a batch of G's from the global runnable queue.
    // sched.lock must be held.
    func globrunqget(pp *p, max int32) *g {
      if sched.runqsize == 0 {
        return nil
      n := sched.runqsize/gomaxprocs + 1
      if n > sched.runqsize {
        n = sched.runqsize
      if max > 0 && n > max {
        n = max
      if n > int32(len(pp.runq))/2 {
        n = int32(len(pp.runq)) / 2
      sched.runqsize -= n
      gp := sched.runq.pop()
      for ; n > 0; n-- {
        gp1 := sched.runq.pop()
        runqput(pp, gp1, false)
      return gp
  32. // assertLockHeld throws if l is not held by the caller.
    // nosplit to ensure it can be called in as many contexts as possible.
    func assertLockHeld(l *mutex) {
      gp := getg()
      held := checkLockHeld(gp, l)
      if held {
      // Crash from system stack to avoid splits that may cause
      // additional issues.
      systemstack(func() {
        print("caller requires lock ", l, " (rank ", l.rank.String(), "), holding:\n")
        throw("not holding required lock!")
  33. // stealWork attempts to steal a runnable goroutine or timer from any P.
    // If newWork is true, new work may have been readied.
    // If now is not 0 it is the current time. stealWork returns the passed time or
    // the current time if now was passed as 0.
    func stealWork(now int64) (gp *g, inheritTime bool, rnow, pollUntil int64, newWork bool) {
      pp := getg().m.p.ptr()
      ranTimer := false
      const stealTries = 4
      for i := 0; i < stealTries; i++ {
        stealTimersOrRunNextG := i == stealTries-1
        for enum := stealOrder.start(fastrand()); !enum.done(); {
          if sched.gcwaiting.Load() {
            // GC work may be available.
            return nil, false, now, pollUntil, true
          p2 := allp[enum.position()]
          if pp == p2 {
          // Steal timers from p2. This call to checkTimers is the only place
          // where we might hold a lock on a different P's timers. We do this
          // once on the last pass before checking runnext because stealing
          // from the other P's runnext should be the last resort, so if there
          // are timers to steal do that first.
          // We only check timers on one of the stealing iterations because
          // the time stored in now doesn't change in this loop and checking
          // the timers for each P more than once with the same value of now
          // is probably a waste of time.
          // timerpMask tells us whether the P may have timers at all. If it
          // can't, no need to check at all.
          if stealTimersOrRunNextG && {
            tnow, w, ran := checkTimers(p2, now)
            now = tnow
            if w != 0 && (pollUntil == 0 || w < pollUntil) {
              pollUntil = w
            if ran {
              // Running the timers may have
              // made an arbitrary number of G's
              // ready and added them to this P's
              // local run queue. That invalidates
              // the assumption of runqsteal
              // that it always has room to add
              // stolen G's. So check now if there
              // is a local G to run.
              if gp, inheritTime := runqget(pp); gp != nil {
                return gp, inheritTime, now, pollUntil, ranTimer
              ranTimer = true
          // Don't bother to attempt to steal if p2 is idle.
          if ! {
            if gp := runqsteal(pp, p2, stealTimersOrRunNextG); gp != nil {
              return gp, false, now, pollUntil, ranTimer
      // No goroutines found to steal. Regardless, running a timer may have
      // made some goroutine ready that we missed. Indicate the next timer to
      // wait for.
      return nil, false, now, pollUntil, ranTimer
  34. // Don't bother to attempt to steal if p2 is idle.
    if ! {
      if gp := runqsteal(pp, p2, stealTimersOrRunNextG); gp != nil {
        return gp, false, now, pollUntil, ranTimer
  35. // Steal half of elements from local runnable queue of p2
    // and put onto local runnable queue of p.
    // Returns one of the stolen elements (or nil if failed).
    func runqsteal(pp, p2 *p, stealRunNextG bool) *g {
      t := pp.runqtail
      n := runqgrab(p2, &pp.runq, t, stealRunNextG)
      if n == 0 {
        return nil
      gp := pp.runq[(t+n)%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
      if n == 0 {
        return gp
      h := atomic.LoadAcq(&pp.runqhead) // load-acquire, synchronize with consumers
      if t-h+n >= uint32(len(pp.runq)) {
        throw("runqsteal: runq overflow")
      atomic.StoreRel(&pp.runqtail, t+n) // store-release, makes the item available for consumption
      return gp
  36. // Grabs a batch of goroutines from _p_'s runnable queue into batch.
    // Batch is a ring buffer starting at batchHead.
    // Returns number of grabbed goroutines.
    // Can be executed by any P.
    func runqgrab(_p_ *p, batch *[256]guintptr, batchHead uint32, stealRunNextG bool) uint32 {
      for {
        h := atomic.LoadAcq(&_p_.runqhead) // load-acquire, synchronize with other consumers
        t := atomic.LoadAcq(&_p_.runqtail) // load-acquire, synchronize with the producer
        n := t - h
        n = n - n/2
        if n == 0 {
          if stealRunNextG {
            // Try to steal from _p_.runnext.
            if next := _p_.runnext; next != 0 {
              if _p_.status == _Prunning {
                // Sleep to ensure that _p_ isn't about to run the g
                // we are about to steal.
                // The important use case here is when the g running
                // on _p_ ready()s another g and then almost
                // immediately blocks. Instead of stealing runnext
                // in this window, back off to give _p_ a chance to
                // schedule runnext. This will avoid thrashing gs
                // between different Ps.
                // A sync chan send/recv takes ~50ns as of time of
                // writing, so 3us gives ~50x overshoot.
                if GOOS != "windows" && GOOS != "openbsd" && GOOS != "netbsd" {
                } else {
                  // On some platforms system timer granularity is
                  // 1-15ms, which is way too much for this
                  // optimization. So just yield.
              if !_p_.runnext.cas(next, 0) {
              batch[batchHead%uint32(len(batch))] = next
              return 1
          return 0
        if n > uint32(len(_p_.runq)/2) { // read inconsistent h and t
        for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ {
          g := _p_.runq[(h+i)%uint32(len(_p_.runq))]
          batch[(batchHead+i)%uint32(len(batch))] = g
        if atomic.CasRel(&_p_.runqhead, h, h+n) { // cas-release, commits consume
          return n
  37. // func gogo(buf *gobuf)
    // restore state from Gobuf; longjmp
    TEXT runtime·gogo(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
      MOVQ	buf+0(FP), BX		// gobuf
      MOVQ	gobuf_g(BX), DX
      MOVQ	0(DX), CX		// make sure g != nil
      JMP	gogo<>(SB)
    TEXT gogo<>(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
      MOVQ	DX, g(CX)
      MOVQ	DX, R14		// set the g register
      MOVQ	gobuf_sp(BX), SP	// restore SP
      MOVQ	gobuf_ret(BX), AX
      MOVQ	gobuf_ctxt(BX), DX
      MOVQ	gobuf_bp(BX), BP
      MOVQ	$0, gobuf_sp(BX)	// clear to help garbage collector
      MOVQ	$0, gobuf_ret(BX)
      MOVQ	$0, gobuf_ctxt(BX)
      MOVQ	$0, gobuf_bp(BX)
      MOVQ	gobuf_pc(BX), BX
      JMP	BX
    ↩︎ ↩︎
  38. // The top-most function running on a goroutine
    // returns to goexit+PCQuantum.
    TEXT runtime·goexit(SB),NOSPLIT|TOPFRAME|NOFRAME,$0-0
      BYTE	$0x90	// NOP
      CALL	runtime·goexit1(SB)	// does not return
      // traceback from goexit1 must hit code range of goexit
      BYTE	$0x90	// NOP
  39. // Finishes execution of the current goroutine.
    func goexit1() {
      if raceenabled {
      if traceEnabled() {
  40. // goexit continuation on g0.
    func goexit0(gp *g) {
      mp := getg().m
      pp := mp.p.ptr()
      casgstatus(gp, _Grunning, _Gdead)
      gcController.addScannableStack(pp, -int64(gp.stack.hi-gp.stack.lo))
      if isSystemGoroutine(gp, false) {
      gp.m = nil
      locked := gp.lockedm != 0
      gp.lockedm = 0
      mp.lockedg = 0
      gp.preemptStop = false
      gp.paniconfault = false
      gp._defer = nil // should be true already but just in case.
      gp._panic = nil // non-nil for Goexit during panic. points at stack-allocated data.
      gp.writebuf = nil
      gp.waitreason = waitReasonZero
      gp.param = nil
      gp.labels = nil
      gp.timer = nil
      if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 && gp.gcAssistBytes > 0 {
        // Flush assist credit to the global pool. This gives
        // better information to pacing if the application is
        // rapidly creating an exiting goroutines.
        assistWorkPerByte := gcController.assistWorkPerByte.Load()
        scanCredit := int64(assistWorkPerByte * float64(gp.gcAssistBytes))
        gp.gcAssistBytes = 0
      if GOARCH == "wasm" { // no threads yet on wasm
        gfput(pp, gp)
        schedule() // never returns
      if mp.lockedInt != 0 {
        print("invalid m->lockedInt = ", mp.lockedInt, "\n")
        throw("internal lockOSThread error")
      gfput(pp, gp)
      if locked {
        // The goroutine may have locked this thread because
        // it put it in an unusual kernel state. Kill it
        // rather than returning it to the thread pool.
        // Return to mstart, which will release the P and exit
        // the thread.
        if GOOS != "plan9" { // See
        } else {
          // Clear lockedExt on plan9 since we may end up re-using
          // this thread.
          mp.lockedExt = 0
  41. // Put on gfree list.
    // If local list is too long, transfer a batch to the global list.
    func gfput(pp *p, gp *g) {
      if readgstatus(gp) != _Gdead {
        throw("gfput: bad status (not Gdead)")
      stksize := gp.stack.hi - gp.stack.lo
      if stksize != uintptr(startingStackSize) {
        // non-standard stack size - free it.
        gp.stack.lo = 0
        gp.stack.hi = 0
        gp.stackguard0 = 0
      if pp.gFree.n >= 64 {
        var (
          inc      int32
          stackQ   gQueue
          noStackQ gQueue
        for pp.gFree.n >= 32 {
          gp := pp.gFree.pop()
          if gp.stack.lo == 0 {
          } else {
        sched.gFree.n += inc
  42. // func mcall(fn func(*g))
    // Switch to m->g0's stack, call fn(g).
    // Fn must never return. It should gogo(&g->sched)
    // to keep running g.
    TEXT runtime·mcall<ABIInternal>(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
      MOVQ	AX, DX	// DX = fn
      // save state in g->sched
      MOVQ	0(SP), BX	// caller's PC
      MOVQ	BX, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(R14)
      LEAQ	fn+0(FP), BX	// caller's SP
      MOVQ	BX, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(R14)
      MOVQ	BP, (g_sched+gobuf_bp)(R14)
      // switch to m->g0 & its stack, call fn
      MOVQ	g_m(R14), BX
      MOVQ	m_g0(BX), SI	// SI = g.m.g0
      CMPQ	SI, R14	// if g == m->g0 call badmcall
      JNE	goodm
      JMP	runtime·badmcall(SB)
      MOVQ	R14, AX		// AX (and arg 0) = g
      MOVQ	SI, R14		// g = g.m.g0
      get_tls(CX)		// Set G in TLS
      MOVQ	R14, g(CX)
      MOVQ	(g_sched+gobuf_sp)(R14), SP	// sp = g0.sched.sp
      PUSHQ	AX	// open up space for fn's arg spill slot
      MOVQ	0(DX), R12
      CALL	R12		// fn(g)
      POPQ	AX
      JMP	runtime·badmcall2(SB)
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